Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on Amazon Prime Gaming (Rumor)
Rumor has surfaced online that one of the games that will be made available to Amazon Prime Gaming subscribers today will be Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Today at 9 am PT, Amazon Prime Gaming subscribers will be able to pick up more games - the other week we wrote about five likely releases. As reported by Mydealz user by the handle billbill-kun - who has been serving us verifiable leaks regarding the fifteen free titles recently given away on Epic Games Store - one of them may be Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

This quite successful TPP action adventure game is set in the universe created by George Lucas, specifically between the third and fourth episodes of the movie saga. Respawn Entertainment, the studio responsible for the game, showed that they have a good feel of the Star Wars universe, and the addition of RPG and soulslike elements made the title popular among the audience looking not only for adventure but also for challenges.
The item was warmly received by both industry media and gamers. This is evidenced by high average ratings on Metacritic (79/100 based on 70 reviews) and on Steam (90% of over 70,000 reviews are positive). Our editor gave the game a score of 8.5 out of 10.