Squadron 42 - Console (PS5 and Xbox) Release
In this article we will talk about console release of Squadron 42. Will it be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X / S? Let’s find out.

Star Citizen is a multiplayer game which stimulates space enthusiasts’ imagination. However, many people forget about Squadron 42, which is a single player title in the same universe. The last CitizenCon was very fruitful for this title though. Cloud Imperium Games announced that the game is “feature complete”. What does it mean? That SQ42 is finished (more or less) and now it has to be polished. While developers did not reveal a release date, fans are already impatient about the premiere. Of course, many players would like to see Squadron 42 on consoles – PS5 and Xbox Series X / S. Will it happen? Let’s find out.
Squadron 42 – Console (PS5 and Xbox) Release
At the beginning we should underline that Squadron 42 was not announced on consoles. So, it is unknown if it will be released on PS5 and Xbox Series X / S. We may only speculate about it.
PC is the only official platform to host Squadron 42 as of now. We do not know when it will happen though. The recent trailer / video announcement about the game was very informative but it lacked the exact date of the release. However, taking into consideration the fact that the title was pulled off the official shop, we may assume that the date is not so far away and Cloud Imperium Games is preparing a big move in this matter.
What does it mean for console versions? If they are released, they will be available, in the most optimistic scenario, at the same time as PC version. In the more pessimistic and realistic version, launch can be at least a few months after the computer or even years.
While it is not certain, it is not entirely impossible to see Squadron 42 on consoles. It will boost the CIG studio income and budget for Star Citizen if SQ42 will sell well on various platforms. It is a sound business decision. Probably, a lot will depend on the demand.