Rumor: God of War, Ghost of Tsushima and Bloodborne Coming to PC
According to user CrazyLeaksOnATrain, who has predicted several releases and announcements in the past, Sony is set to make PC ports of several of its exclusive hits, including God of War and Ghost of Tsushima.
An interesting rumor about games by Sony surfaced yesterday. According to Twitter user CrazyLeaksOnATrain, the company is set to port several of its high-profile exclusives to PC. The user mentioned the following games: Bloodborne, Uncharted (probably The Nathan Drake Collection), Ghost of Tsushima and God of War.
The user has proven several times in the past that his tweets should not be treated as blind guesses. He predicted, among others, the port of NiOh 2 on PC (albeit he was mistaken about the date by a few months), the announcement of Kingdom Hearts trilogy on Epic Games Store and the remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy.
A bit later on, CrazyLeaksOnATrain provided more information. According to the user, announcements of the aforementioned games are expected to appear right after the release of Days Gone on PC. The titles will be released every 2-3 months, but the exact order is unknown.
As for the Uncharted series, also the fourth installment is also expected to come to PC, not just the remaster of the first three installments.
Recently, on the occasion of the announcement of a PC port of Days Gone, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO, Jim Ryan, announced that this is not the end of Sony's "invasion" of games on PC and there will be more in the future. Do these future titles include those reported on CrazyLeaksOnATrain's list? His tweets, after all, should still be considered in the category of rumors. Nevertheless, this scenario is not excluded, looking at the fact that in recent years we lived to see the ports of such titles as Horizon Zero Dawn or Detroit: Become Human.