Release Date of Beyond Update for No Man's Sky Revealed
We know the release date of the latest free update for No Man's Sky. For fans of the series there is an improved multiplayer mode, support for VR glasses, as well as numerous changes and novelties in the gameplay model.
Hello Games has announced the release date of the long-awaited No Man's Sky update entitled No Man's Sky: Beyond. It will debut on August 14 and will be available on PCs, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at the same time. Beyond consists of three fully free expansions that will focus on different aspects of the title. Initially they were to be put into the hands of fans at different dates, but the creators decided that it would be better if they were published at the same time. We first heard about the update six months ago.
The first component of Beyond is No Man's Sky: Online. The expansion will introduce radical changes to the multiplayer mode, dramatically increasing the possibilities of interaction between players. The changes introduced are the devs' response to numerous propositions and suggestions of fans, as well as the realization of earlier dreams and plans of the team. Hello Games points out that their goal is not to create a classic MMO, they also dissociate themselves from the perspective of introducing any microtransactions and additional fees to the game.
The second component of the add-on is the VR mode, which will be available on PC and PlayStation 4 consoles with PlayStation VR glasses. Previous opinions of people who have had the opportunity to play the game in virtual reality are extremely positive. Testers mention that the title works without major technical problems, and the impressions of exploring alien planets are extremely convincing and change the perception of the game. Plus, they also provide full support for motion controllers such as PlayStation Move, which further enhances gameplay immersion.
Despite the two weeks left before the release, the content offered by the third component of Beyond is still a mystery. We know that it will focus on introducing many new elements to the game, which should appeal to players who prefer to play solo. Until the developers provide details, we can speculate that these will be new types of planets, materials, ships, vehicles and structures, as well as previously unavailable quests and story missions. Many fans also count on serious changes in the flight model and the course of space battles.
No Man's Sky was released in 2016 on PlayStation 4 and PCs (the Xbox One version was released almost two years later). The production was then wrecked by critics and many players, but the creators gradually and without unnecessary fanfare enriched it with new content. Last year turned out to be a breakthrough. In July there was a huge update to version 1.50, entitled NEXT, which was received so enthusiastically that for some time the game was again on the bestseller list on PCs and consoles. It has drastically changed the appearance of the title, expanding the gameplay with many new elements, while introducing the long-awaited multiplayer mode. A few months later we received more patches, which this time focused on the vehicles available in the game, as well as exploration of the oceans and expanding the variety of procedurally-generated worlds.