RDR2 Beautified, You Just Need to Download 7 GB of Data
PC edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 has received the impressive mod called Terrain Textures Overhaul, which heavily enhances the game's terrain textures.

Although the PC release of Red Dead Redemption 2 took place four years ago, the game is still very popular. This is well illustrated by the fact that yesterday's activity record on Steam was 35,040 concurrent users - a result that can be envied by most new titles.
Therefore, no one should be surprised that RDR2 can still count on the support of modders. One of them has just released an interesting visual mod.
- The project is titled Terrain Textures Overhaul and, as the name suggests, its purpose is to improve terrain textures.
- Just this treatment was much needed for the game, as it is practically the only element of the visuals that clearly deviates from modern standards.
The difference is big, as you can see in the zoomable screenshots below. The scale of the project is well reflected by the fact that it "weighs" 7 GB. It should be added that the mod is in the development stage. Not all textures have yet been replaced with new ones of higher quality. Currently, the creator has improved mainly the locations from the main storyline.
- Terrain Textures Overhaul - download the mod from our FTP. (the author has given us permission to host amirror)
- Upscaled Terrain, as the name suggests, contains improved versions of the original textures, which have only been tweaked by the AI.
- On the other hand, in Terrain Textures Overhaul the old textures have been replaced with completely new ones, only selected and modified to fit the game.
This is not the first mod of this type. Last year saw the debut of the popular project Upscaled Terrain (which later, incidentally, also added the Upscaled Terrain 4K Addon). However, the two modifications are significantly different in their approach.
PC edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 debuted in November 2019. The game has not lived to see as active a modding community as the Grand Theft Auto series, but still there is no shortage of intriguing fan projects, and more appear quite regularly.
Of the more interesting modifications for the western epic of Rockstar Games, it is worth mentioning the one enabling multiplayer play on private servers - RedM, the visual mod Visual Redemption and Life of Crime, which enable us to play a new sandbox campaign with a player-generated character.