PS Plus for October - Leak Suggests Three Games, Including One Premiere [UPDATED]
A list of games to be made available in the October offer to PS Plus subscribers just got leaked. There are three titles on it, including one whose console launch is yet to come.

Sony has officially announced October's PS Plus offer. The leak, we wrote about on Monday, has been confirmed. Next month, subscribers owning PS5 will be able to play the console debut ofHell Let Loose and PS4 owners will get Mortal Kombat X and PGA Tour 2021. All three titles will be available to pick up starting October 5.
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It's slowly becoming a tradition that games to be offered in PlayStation Plus subscription each month are leaked online before the official reveal. The October offer is no different - billbil-kun, one of the users of the French website, posted information and backed it with images, PS Plus subscribers will receive three games next month: Hell Let Loose (for PS5), Mortal Kombat X and PGA TOUR 2K21 (both on PS4).
The last two titles, a fighting game set in an iconic universe and the next installment of the golf simulator, probably don't need any introductions. Hell Let Loose is a multiplayer shooter set during World War II. On July 27 the PC version of the game left early access, and on October 5 it is to be released on PS5 and XSX|S. If the leak is confirmed, Sony service subscribers will receive the game simultaneously with its launch. Maybe another Guinness record will be broken?
Leak looks to be more than credible, and if we take into account that last month, thanks to the same user we gto to know the PS Plus offer for September in advance, We can assume that also this time the information will be confirmed. Despite this, remember to approach it with some caution. Why feel disappointed later, right? Although we realize that some of you would prefer to receive completely different titles. We can only wait for Sony's official announcement.