Prey 2 Possible – Easter Egg in Doom Eternal Gives Hope
One Reddit user published a screenshot from Doom Eternal, where we can see the cover of the book entitled „2 Prey or Not 2 Prey?”, which could be the a stealth announcement of the continuation to 2017 Prey.

One Reddit user published an interesting screenshot from Doom Eternal. The picture is full of references to other Bethesda productions. The most interesting one is definitely the cover of the book entitled "2 Prey or Not 2 Prey?". This is an obvious reference to the 2017 Prey, which was released on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The question is: is this a hidden announcement of a continuation? Or maybe the creators are still only thinking about developing a sequel?
A good eye will also notice references to other titles, such as Fallout, Rage, previous installments of Doom or even Half-Life. In fact, almost every book refers to a different work. Will you find all the easter eggs?