Predecessor - Heroes Tier List (December 2022)

In this article we present characters tier list in Predecessor, it is up to date as of December 2022.

Damian Gacek

Predecessor is a MOBA game that has attracted a large number of fans. It is currently in early access, but already features up to 20 playable characters. Of course, everyone wants to play the best possible ones. This is why we present our tier list.

Remember that Predecessor is an early access game, so the information provided here may become outdated over time.

Predecessor tier list – general comments

  1. It should be noted at the beginning that the following tier list is subjective. However, we have tried to make it as representative of the state of affairs as possible, so community feedback has played a large part in compiling it.
  2. Predecessor is currently in early access, so it is possible that upcoming changes will disrupt our tier list. It is worth keeping this in mind.
  3. As you can see below we have divided the characters into 4 tiers - from S to C. In our opinion, for the time being there is no point in giving lower ratings. Each character has a certain usefulness and, under certain conditions, can be effective.
  4. A character's usefulness also largely depends on the player's skill and whether he or she plays it as intended.

Predecessor tier list

If you liked this article, check our characters list:

Predecessor - Characters and Classes Guide; Heroes Explained

We have divided the characters into 4 tiers. S consists of the strongest characters, while in C are, in our opinion, the weakest. However, we emphasise that even the worst rated characters are not useless. Play with the characters that fit your gameplay best.

  1. S – Steel, Narbash, Sparrow, Grux;
  2. A – The Fey, Howtizer, Dekker, Riktor, Murdock, Rampage, Crunch;
  3. B – Khaimera, Gideon, Gadget, Feng Mao, LT. Belica, Muriel;
  4. C – Drongo, Kallari, Sevarog.


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Damian Gacek

Author: Damian Gacek

Graduate of English Philology and English in Public Communication. His portfolio includes a scientific article on video game translation. Working with since 2019, writing for various departments. Currently, deals with guides and occasionally supports the newsroom. Interested in electronic entertainment since childhood. Loves RPGs and strategies, often also immersing himself in the depths of indie games. In his free time, works on a book and learns film editing.

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