Post-apocalyptic Game Forever Skies Got Gameplay Trailer
Forever Skies, a post-apocalyptic survival game from Wroclaw-based Polish studio Far From Home, received an atmospheric gameplay trailer.
Just over three months ago, developers from Far From Home revealed their debut game, Forever Skies, previously known under the working title Project Oxygen. Now, during the GamesRadar's Future Games Show, a three-minute long, extended gameplay trailer was published. We must admit that the game looks amazing.
Apocalypse vibe everywhere
Maybe it's a matter of well-chosen music, or maybe it's the visuals, but the latest trailer of Forever Skies is brilliant at building the atmosphere. During these three minutes we see the exploration of the Earth destroyed by an ecological disaster, the mechanics of ship repair (the vessel being both a home and a research base) and a foretaste of a boss fight.
The gameplay presentation closes with a scene in which the protagonist travels by elevator deep into the toxic dust covering the planet's surface.
The trailer is also a tribute to local fans waiting for the release of Forever Skies. In the first minute of the video we see a Polish inscription on the wall, reading 'There will be no other end of the world.' It's a quote from Song on the end of the world, a poem by Czeslaw Milosz. Definitely a good point to start when talking about the apocalypse.
Early access and launch of Forever Skies
Full version of the game will debut next year. Since the moment of the game's reveal we have known, however, that it will be offered in early access, where it will launch this year.
The game will be available exclusively only on PC, although Far From Home devs plan to release the game also on next-gen consoles.
As far as Forever Skies is concerned, you may be interested in an interview conducted with the developers:
It is worth mentioning that the developers regularly inform fans about the progress of work on the game through news on Steam. You can also add Forever Skies to your wishlist, if you haven't already done so.
More:Forever Skies - How to Find and Examine the Virus Carrier