Phoenix Point - PC Release Date Revealed
Snapshot Games has announced the release date for the PC version of Phoenix Point. The title, according to the latest news, will be published at the beginning of December. However, we will wait for the console versions until next year.

Phoenix Point, a tactical turn-based strategy game created by the father of the renowned XCOM series, has no easy life. The launch of the title was delayed several times, which definitely did not appeal to the players who supported the crowdfunding campaign of the game from Snapshot Games. It seems, however, that the developers have finally managed to finish the title. Phoenix Point will be released on PC on December 3. Xbox One version will be released in the first quarter of 2020, and later the title will be released on PS4.
Thee game in question will be a temporary exclusive title in Epic Games Store. Those who supported the fundraiser and want to play on Steam or will have to wait a year for their key. Along with the exact release date we got to know the content of each edition of the game. You can examine them below.
Base edition (approx. $40):
- digital version of the game;
- a handbook for the game.
Platinum edition (approx. $60):
- digital version of the game;
- a handbook for the game;
- desktop wallpaper;
- digital items in the game;
- artbook (digital);
- a compendium of knowledge about the world.
Signature Edition (approx. $80):
- digital version of the game;
- a handbook for the game;
- desktop wallpaper;
- digital items in the game;
- artbook (digital);
- a compendium of knowledge about the world;
- season pass.