Persona 5 Royal (P5R) - Between A and B Which Line Seems Longer? Answered
If you want to learn the answer for “between A and B... which line seems longer...?” question, you are in a good place. Read our Persona 5 Royal guide.

Despite its age (4 years in March), Persona 5 Royal is an example of a game which is vey much alive in players’ memories. Everyday thousands of people play this title. One of the charms of P5R is without a doubt its division between combat and school/social life. The latter option can be as demanding as fights, especially when we are talking about quizzes. Every now and then teachers ask a question, it is worth to answer them correctly, as you can be rewarded with a stat point for that. The first math challenge is to guess “between A and B... which line seems longer...?”. Let’s answer this question.
Persona 5 Royal (P5R) - Between A and B... which line seems longer...?
Remember that classroom quizzes are not the only obstacle which stands on your way. From time to time, you will be able to solve crosswords. Of course, completing them properly will increase your knowledge level a little bit, so it is a good idea to finish them whenever you have occasion.
Question in Persona 5 Royal can be tricky, the one asked on 4/19 is one of them, as it is based on your perception. Luckily, the answer is quite straightforward:
- Question: Between A and B ... which line seems longer...?
- Answer: They’re the same.
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