Blizzard's First Game Debuts on Steam and Puts a Hefty Price on New Content [Update]
Overwatch 2 will make its debut on Steam tonight along with the new season. To mark the occasion, Blizzard has prepared an event called Invasion, which is packed with a lot of paid content.

It looks like Overwatch 2 is still generating a lot of interest among gamers. Since its debut on Steam, Blizzard's shooter has been played almost all the time by about 40 thousand people. It is worth noting here that this figure does not include players who still prefer to play directly through the app and console users.
It is also difficult to assume that the release of Overwatch 2 on Valve's platform has encouraged such a large number of people to check out the game or return to it. It seems that despite the hate aimed at the game, Blizzard's shooter is still very popular.
At the same time, high ratings do not go hand in hand with it. At the moment reviews OV2 have been issued by more than 2,000 players on Steam. The positive ones account for only 34% of them. However, it should be noted that the criticism contained in them applies to literally everything - from the development of the game to the actions of Activision Blizzard in general.
Today at 9:00 p.m. CET, an event of almost historic proportions will take place on Steam - Overwatch 2 will debut on Valve's platform as Blizzard's first game ever. The Steam launch of the second Overwatch will coincide with the start of the game's 5th season and an event called Invasion.
The game is already available for preload on its Steam tab, so if you want to save yourself some time, you can download the content.
Overwatch 2 attacks with Invasion
The launch of Blizzard's free-to-play shooter on Steam will take place with a bang, as the debut will be accompanied by the launch of an event called Invasion, which will inaugurate the fifth season of Overwatch 2.
As part of this event, players will get several new cooperative story missions, new skins, game modes and heroes. Some of the above are free (like the game mode called Hotspot), and some of the new features are available as part of a paid battle pass.
Overwatch 2: Invasion set will cost $15, and includes:
- permanent access to three story missions added in Overwatch 2: Invasion;
- 1,000 Overwatch coins (equivalent to a Premium Combat Pass, value: $10)
- a brand new legendary Sojourn skin (value: $19);
- unlocking of Sojourn (value: $7).
For people willing to spend a little more, there is an Unparalleled Set Overwatch 2: Invasion ($40), which, in addition to the elements of the previous set, includes:
- Sector Zero Premium Battle Pass with 20 skip levels of the pass (value: $30);
- an additional 1,000 Overwatch coins, or a total of 2,000 coins (value: $20);
- two additional legendary skins for Cassidy and Kiriko (value: $38).
Blizzard will probably want to kill two birds with one stone: to attract a new base of gamers from Steam and encourage them to spend money on battle passes to celebrate such a lavish launch to the new season. The question is whether they will be able to beat the sizable competition of team-based shooters already available on Steam, such as the still strong Team Fortress 2 or the upcoming Counter-Strike 2.