Thousands of Players Returned to Outriders, Only to be Disappointed by Worldslayer
Outriders: Worldslayer has debuted, and while it has attracted some players to People Can Fly's game, it has not restored its popularity from around the time of its release. What's more, the expansion is getting a lot of negative feedback among the players.

Yesterday marked the release of the Worldslayer DLC for Outriders. The expansion was heralded as great and by design it was to revitalize People Can Fly's latest game, which has lost the interest of players over the past fifteen months.
Interest in Outriders: worldslayer
This plan was partially successful for the developer. A few days before the release of Worldslayer, Outriders was played between 1,500 and 3,700 people on average (depending on the hour). After the expansion's debut, on the other hand, 11,599 players were playing this shooter at one point. Thus, interest in the game has been regained, but it is a far cry from that from around the launch of the base game, when the title was able to attract up to 125,143 concurrent players.

Criticism of Outriders: Worldslayer
There are several reasons for this. One of them may be the relatively high price of the DLC - around $40 (boxed editions are even more expensive). Another - negative reviews collected by Worldslayer in the first hours after release.
Suffice it to say that out of 143 reviews issued by players on Steam so far only 38% are positive. If we read into their content, we learn that:
- The DLC's campaign is far too short (although dynamic) - its completion reportedly takes about three or four hours;
- The stability of the game's servers still leaves much to be desired;
- the expansion - according to players on Steam - is is not worth the full price; many of them advise waiting for a big discount;
Another disappointment?
Consequently, this rather small - and certainly smaller than expected by the developer and publisher (Square Enix) - increase in interest in Outriders may be only temporary. It is difficult to estimate how Worldslayer is selling, but since the much more popular base game did not break even, the DLC is unlikely to meet a different fate.