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News Cooldown 10 October 2024, 05:52

One Piece Animator Explains Sudden Deterioration of Uzumaki's Quality. „Western Producers are Trash”

There has been quite a stir around the Uzumaki anime. On the subject of the sudden deterioration in the quality of the adaptation, a One Piece animator from the industry has decided to speak out, and he has some thoughts and suspicions of his own.

Source: Uzumaki, Hiroshi Nagahama, Adult Swim, 2024

The situation with Uzumaki has shaken anime fans and people associated with the industry. The series, which was released five years after its announcement, delighted the viewers with its first episode but surprised with a significant drop in quality in the second one. Initially, it was incomprehensible, but after delving into the topic, certain clues could be seen - the premiere being postponed several times, and a sudden change of the studio responsible for the animation. In addition, more light was shed on the matter by the executive producer of Uzumaki, who talked about the behind-the-scenes problems and the choice he and his team faced.

Now, an animator who worked on One Piece, Boruto, and Tokyo Ghoul, among others, has decided to comment on the matter. Henry Thurlow suspects that the fault lies with Western producers who did not want to wait for a polished product and in the middle of work changed the studio that was supposed to complete the series faster. Below you will find all of his comments on the matter, in which he emphasized that he does not know the behind-the-scenes situation of Uzumaki and these are just his assumptions.

I have so much to say about the adaptation of Uzumaki... but it will never fit in a set of tweets. All I'll say in short is that while I have no actual knowledge of the production processof Uzumaki, it was advertised as an IG production series for years, only to be marketed as "IG &____ (not even an IG subsidiary)" at the last minute. I knew there would be a huge gap between the work of the two companies.

I'm really not sure who to blame.

One Piece's animator pointed out that Uzumaki's case is not an isolated one.

Of course, artists need time and resources to do great things. If this was taken from IG, that's terrible. However, it seems that IG has recently (unlike in its heyday) been endlessly delaying its projects. Year after year, they accomplish very little.

Just to be clear. I love IG. I nostalgically recall the times when IG, Madhouse, and 4C were at the top and always competed with each other. However, it seems that all three have lost the ability to consistently and timely perform powerful work. It takes them "time" to do just a little. When it comes to the production of Uzumaki, it is almost certainly the fault of "some" Western producer. "This is taking too long, so force another studio to finish it, I don't care what it looks like." I would bet everything I have that this is how it went down.

Once again, these Western-produced anime are having problems because Western producers are f**king trash. Some recent animes from Kawajiri, unreleased AvP anime, and now Uzumaki. Time and again, I see how Western producers disregard anime artists and studios and it's annoying.

Uzumaki was produced by Adult Swim and Production IG, and was initially scheduled to be animated by Drive studio. According to later information, Akatsuki was supposed to be responsible for the animation in addition to Drive, however, after reading the credits of the episodes after the premiere, it can be noted that the first episode was animated by Fugaku, and the second by Akatsuki.

Thurlow, while unfamiliar with the behind-the-scenes situation on Uzumaki, didn't stray far from what DeMarco suggested in his recent comments, indicating that they had three options: abandon the project, release only the first polished episode, or make do with more low-quality episodes.

So far, we have two episodes of Uzumaki behind us, the next ones are set to be released on October 13th and 20th on Max.

Edyta Jastrzebska

Edyta Jastrzebska

A graduate of journalism and social communication as well as cultural studies. She started at as one of the newspeople in the films department. Currently she oversees the Gamepressure movie&TV newsroom. She excels in the field of film and television, both in reality-based and fantasy themes. Keeps up with industry trends, but in her free time she prefers to watch less known titles. Has a complicated relationship with popular ones, which is why she only gets convinced about many of them when the hype around them subsides. Loves to spend her evenings not only watching movies, series, reading books and playing video games, but also playing text RPGs, which she has been into for several years.


Manga and anime