No more PlayStation exclusives from Quantic Dream
Quantic Dream started a cooperation with the Chinese company NetEase. From now on, the teams' works will be released not only on PlayStation but on all major platforms.
Although Quantic Dream enjoys independence from the beginning of its activities, after the launch of Heavy Rain (which was released on PlayStation 3 in 2010), the company was associated with Sony Interactive Entertainment. As it turns out, last year’s Detroit: Become Human was the last PlayStation-exclusive title to be created by David Cage and his team.
NetEase purchased a minority shareholding in the studio, which not only opened the door to the Chinese market (which is the largest in the world), but also entailed the need to switch to a multiplatform model of game development. Guillaume de Fondaumiere, who leads the team together with Cage, argues that although his team doesn’t intend to abandon the production of games for PlayStation consoles, its next works will also hit all other major platforms.
Interestingly, in an interview for Variety, Simon Zhu from NetEase referred to last year's allegations pressed against Quantic Dream by its former employees. In short, the company was accused of racism, sexism and toxic atmosphere. Zhu argues that his company had the opportunity to spend some time with the Quantic Dream team and witness its work culture; as he says, NetEase representatives didn’t find any evidence for the truthfulness of these revelations.
NetEase is one of the Chinese giants who recently also invested in Bungie (and previously announced a collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment, which will result in the controversial Diablo Immortal). Quantic Dream has existed since 1997. In addition to games such as Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls or Detroit: Become Human, the team’s portofolio also includes Omikron: The Nomad Soul and Indigo Prophecy, which was their first cinematic adventure game.
More:Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - That's Quantic Dream's New Direction