No Man's Sky: Fractal Takes Immersion to Space on PS5
No Man's Sky received patch 4.1 (Fractal), which added support for PS VR2 goggles. But not only that - as the update hit all platforms and added a new expedition, called Utopia.

Today, Hello Games released patch 4.1 for No Man's Sky. The update is called Fractal and focuses on the implementation of support for PS VR2 goggles. As part of it, the PS5 version of the game received the following features, among others (you can find the full list here):
- improved reflections, surface tessellation, increased draw distance and higher resolution textures;
- headset vibration, 3D sound, haptic controller vibration and adaptive triggers;
- a modified user interface and controls layout, through which all interactions are to gain naturalness (e.g., using the display located on the protagonist's wrist will require appropriate hand movement);
- similar adjusting for, among others, the way of opening ship cockpits and piloting them, as well as lifting/pushing objects, aiming weapons and scanning the environment.
All the changes are expected to take immersion on the PS5 to an even higher level. Some of them are presented in the trailer below.
What's important, the Fractal update has made its way to all platforms on which you can play No Man's Sky, i.e. PC, PS4, PS5, XOne, XSX/S and Switch. In addition to a number of minor changes, it brought a previously unavailable ship (Utopia Speeder) and launched a new expedition. It is called Utopia and focuses on rebuilding an abandoned planetary system called Utopia Foundation. Players will have to play it in co-op.
In addition, patch 4.1 enabled gyroscopic control on Steam Deck, Switch and PlayStation (on PS4 as part of PS VR). Hello Games assures that it won't stop there. The developer intends to make 2023 even more interesting for No Man's Sky players than 2022, which brought several major updates.