News 23 April 2020

Killzone Dev: PS5 Too Weak For Big Open World Games
Chris Grannell, a former Guerrilla Games exployee (he worked on Killzone among others), said that the power difference between PS5 and Xbox Series X can be felt in games with big open worlds. When designing games, Microsoft's console offers much more possibilities, so developers will have to make compromises when developing titles for both devices.
hardware & software
Paul Wozniak
April 23, 2020

Development of Battlefield 5 Ends in June
Since November 2018, Battlefield V has been regularly receiving new content. However, DICE is preparing to finish its development. Nevertheless, the devs are planning to release one more update.
video games
Christian Pieniazek
April 23, 2020

Red Dead Redemption 2 Coming to Xbox Game Pass
Microsoft is committed to making the Xbox Game Pass service for consoles as attractive as possible. Soon, the list of games available in its library will be expanded by Red Dead Redemption 2, the latest hit from Rockstar Games.
video games
Christian Pieniazek
April 23, 2020
Westworld Renewed for Season 4
The ongoing third season of Westworld will not be the last. HBO ordered a continuation, but for now we do not know when it will hit the screens.
movies & tv series
Adrian Werner
April 23, 2020

European Gamedevs are Afraid of the Crisis; Some May Not Survive
European Games Developer Federation conducted a survey on the condition of European gamedev companies and their concerns about the coronavirus crisis. 17% of such companies are worried that they may not survive three months. Small studios are in the worst position.
video games
Bart Swiatek
April 23, 2020
Bannerlord's a Time Eater and Remains Popular on Steam
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is still doing very well on Steam. The title regularly ranks in the top ten of games with biggest activity numbers on Steam. In total, they have spent over 75 million hours in the new game from TaleWorlds.
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 23, 2020
Major Security Gap Detected in iOS
One of Apple's system apps enables third party to attack a selected device, virtually without user intervention. The company announced work on a patch.
hardware & software
Mateusz Popielak
April 23, 2020
Valve: CS:GO Source Code Leak Poses No Threat to Gamers
Valve commented on yesterday's leak of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Team Fortress 2 source code. We were assured that the situation does not pose any threat to users playing on official servers.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
April 23, 2020
Everyone's Favorite Far Cry Psycho Villain May Return
Michael Mando - the actor known for his role of Vaas in Ubisoft's Far Cry 3 - suggested in a post on Reddit that he could be reprising his role as the character.
video games
Bart Swiatek
April 23, 2020
Call of Duty Beaten - New Digital Sales Record for Consoles
The SuperData analytics group published a report on global digital distribution in March. Last month turned out to be exceptionally good for the market, with great results of Doom Eternal, Half-Life: Alyx and Animal Crossing. The latter production broke the first month's digital sales record for console titles, set by Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII.
video games
Jacob Blazewicz
April 23, 2020
Launch of Trackmania Nations Remake Delayed
The release of Trackmania Nations Remake (whose final title is Trackmania), a refreshed version of the 2006 game developed by Nadeo, has been postponed. The title will debut exclusively on PC on July 1.
video games
Milosz Szubert
April 23, 2020
Star Wars: The Mandalorian - Season 3 Pretty Much Confirmed
There are reliable reports on the web that the third season of the Star Wars: The Mandalorian will be created. The creators are already working on the scripts and concept arts, and a few days ago the construction of the set began.
movies & tv series
Adrian Werner
April 23, 2020