News 20 March 2019
The Outer Worlds on Epic Games Store
As a result of a mistake made by an English-speaking game website, we learned that the new game from Obsidian Entertainment will join the group of titles available on Epic Games.
video games
March 20, 2019
Disney Revives Lucasfilm Games
Disney Studios – the current owner of the Star Wars franchise – decided to reanimate Lucasfilm Games, also known as LucasArts, a developer team originally founded in 1982.
video games
Bart Swiatek
March 20, 2019
New Gameplay From System Shock Remake
Night Dive Studios published a long gameplay footage from the remake of the iconic RPG/shooter hybrid System Shock. The footage is over 20 minutes long and looks very promising.
video games
Bart Swiatek
March 20, 2019