New Details on Character Editor in Cyberpunk 2077

The early version of Cyberpunk 2077, made available to journalists, surprised with a wealth of options in the character editor. Players will be able to choose between several dozen types of hairstyles and several types of mouth, eyebrows and eyes. There will also be several surprising options.

Adrian Werner

We will wait for the game until November.

Yesterday's Night City Wire event, revealed a new trailer and gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077. Moments afterwards, the web was flooded with previews, full of interesting information, written by journalists who had the opportunity to spend several hours with a playable version of the game. Among them was an editor of Kotaku. The article reveals a lot about character creation.

Options available in CP2077's character editor:

It turns out that the editor will be extremely rich in options. It will offer:

  1. 6 skin colors
  2. 35 hairstyle
  3. 17 types of eyes
  4. 8 types of eyebrows
  5. 17 mouths
  6. 17 jaws
  7. 8 bits of cyberware (and one without)
  8. 17 pairs of ears
  9. 9 types of scars on the face and 2 for the body
  10. 6 face tattoos and 5 for the body
  11. 11 types of piercings (and one without)
  12. 5 lip make-up patterns
  13. 8 eye make-up patterns
  14. 5 types of teeth
  15. 3 blemishes
  16. 3 nipple types
  17. 2 penises plus the possibility of changing the size of this organ
  18. 1 vagina
  19. 5 pubic hair types

As you can see, the number of available options will be huge and most players will probably spend a long time creating their avatar. For those who don't have the patience for this type of fun, there will be an opportunity to use pre-defined characters, as well as a random generation of appearance. What's interesting, the latter action will take into account the elements that we have already chosen, and the algorithm will decide only on other aspects of the body. So if, for example, we choose that our hero has a certain hairstyle, then random generation will never change it.

When we start the game, we also choose one of the three character classes. Then we will be able to change the character's abilities to a large extent, but this first choice will affect the prologue, as well as some scenes and dialogue options.

Cyberpunk 2077 is coming to PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and PS5. The game is scheduled to be released on November 19 this year, simultaneously on all hardware platforms. It's worth mentioning that our editor has also recently spent several hours with the game, so we recommend reading our preview.

  1. Cyberpunk 2077 Hands-on Preview. After Four Hours, I'm as Happy as Concerned
  2. Cyberpunk 2077 - official website
  3. Is It Breathtaking or Hype-Making? Cyberpunk 2077 Served Cold
  4. Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Gameplay Impressions

Cyberpunk 2077

December 10, 2020

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Adrian Werner

Author: Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.

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