Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord - Option From Previous Installments Returns
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, currently in Early Access, will soon get automatic blocking, after many players have been asking for this feature.
Although Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord sports a few novelties compared to the previous parts, at the same time it lacks a few solutions that were appreciated by fans of its older brothers. These include the option to automatically block the attacks of your opponents with a shield or sword. Some players have been complaining about its absence until last Monday, the day when Bannerlord was released in early access. A lot of such comments reached the ears of the team from TaleWorlds. Here's what they answered in response to an email sent by one of the fans:
We disabled the feature but there are many requests.
So we are planning to add it back. We will announce it on our forums.
Best regards,
TaleWorlds Support Team

We remind that Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord was officially announced back in 2012. After nearly eight years, players can finally check out the title and most of them like it, although there are some voices of criticism related to the number of bugs or slightly disappointing content at the moment. As you can see, however, TaleWorlds listens to the voice of the community, and hopefully it will be able to fine-tune its latest work before the release of the full version, which should take place next year.
- Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - official website
- Playing Bannerlord I Have One Question: Why Did They Need a Decade?!