Mortal Shell - Players Report Serious Bugs
Mortal Shell players report two serious bugs in Cold Symmetry's game. The first one concerns the key Harden mechanics, while the second one resets the player's progress by overwriting the saved game data.

- A bug in Mortal Shell sometimes makes it impossible to use the key mechanic known as Harden;
- Another error causes loss of progress.
The players who have purchased the RPG Mortal Shell report a serious bug concerning one of the key gameplay mechanics - the so-called Harden. The function stops working from time to time. Most of the reports on Reddit are for the PlayStation 4 version.
"Not sure if anyone on the development team is lurking around here, but if so, know that there's a pretty serious bug impacting ps4 users where the harden function just stops working altogether. It's happened to me 3 times so far on day one. Just FYI in case, anyone else is running into this. Really something that needs to be fixed as it is the core mechanic of gameplay," writes theDanantenna.
"When I do a successfully empowered reposte but I miss the finisher I can no longer harden. Literally the harden button just doesn’t work until I reload the game. I have to do another successfully empowered repost and land the hit to be able to harden again. I’ve been able to recreate this glitch now," necrola_666 points out.
Harden is a mechanic that enables the player to "harden" their character's body - so we don't get any damage from attacks, but the effect disappears when we are hit.
It is worth noting that this is not the only serious bug found by the players in Mortal Shell. Another Reddit user draws attention to a bug resetting progress.
"I was just wandering around practicing with the parry timing and died, and suddenly the cinematic right before you encounter the first shell plays where you crawl through the tunnel with the sword. The one where you crawl with your sword through the tunnel. Came out of the tunnel, had no items, nothing. Thought I’d reload my save and that’d help, instead I found myself right back at the start of the entire game. Everything’s gone," Zaxstarr complains.
As a reminder, Mortal Shell launched yesterday and is available on PCs (Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.