MediEvil Remake Demo Announced [Updated]
During the State of Play stream, a demo of MediEvil, a remake of a popular action game from 1998 developed by Other Ocean Interactive, was announced. It should appear on PlayStation Store within a few hours and will only appear on PlayStation 4 on October 25.
The demo of MediEvil is now available on PlayStation Store. To download it, you need to access this page and select the Try Free Demo option.
Original message

Are you waiting for the launch of the remake of the iconic MediEvil? If so, we have good news for you. During the State of Play stream a demo of the upcoming game from Other Ocean Interactive was announced. It should be available on PlayStation Store in the next few hours.
Note: The demo will only be available until October 6, so if you want to personally check the title in action before you decide to buy the game, you must hurry.
We would like to remind you that the remake of MediEvil has recently reached gold status and the master disc was sent to press. The title will therefore be released as planned on October 25.