LotR Gollum Relaxed Playthrough Time
The producer of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum, Harald Riegler, has revealed how much time we will have to spend to get through the game without rushing.

Premiere of The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is almost at hand. As a result, the developers are increasingly eager to share details on the game. This time the subject of the time required to complete the game was raised.
During a recent conversation with the editors of GamingBolt producer of LotR: Gollum, Harald Riegler, assured that players who care about exploring and listening to all the dialogues will be able to spend up to 20 hours with the title. Unfortunately, the developer did not disclose how much it might take to complete it with slightly more intensive oace, but it can be assumed that then we will wrap up the adventure in a dozen hours.
"A relaxed playthrough with exploration of the beautiful environment and listening to dialogues will take about 20 hours. Avid players will be able to complete the game faster, but we recommend that everyone take their time and breathe the air of Middle-earth," Riegler said.
We should add that The Lord of the Rings: Gollum will be released on May 25 on PC (system requirements are available here), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. The game is also scheduled for release on Nintendo Switch in the later part of 2023.
Below, in turn, you can take a look at the trailer of LotR: Gollum, which was recently released by Nvidia. Thanks to it you will see how Daedalic Entertainment's game will look with ray tracing enabled.