Lord of the Rings - Here's an Awesome Uruk-hai Figurine
Prime 1 Studio has announced another impressive figurine. This time it is a model of an Uruk-hai berserker from The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers, which will be available in two editions priced at around $1000.

So far the Japanese company Prime 1 Studio has supplied us with figurines from such productions as Doom, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Death Stranding and God of War. However, the company is not interested only in video games and there is no shortage of licensed movie projects in its offer. The last one is the Uruk-hai berserker from The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers directed by Peter Jackson. The figure, on a scale of 1:4, measures 93.3 cm high (including the sword), 49.3 cm long and 48.4 cm wide. The base of the model is decorated with themes from the Battle of Helm's Deep and is also referred to by arrows stuck in Uruk-hai's body. You can see the whole thing on the photos below.
Prime 1 Studio, as usual, took care to reproduce faithfully the smallest details of the character, which, of course, translated into high price. The berserker's figurine is priced at 899 dollars, and this in the standard version. Apart from it, there is also a deluxe edition with exchangeable parts, including two portraits and accessories (including... the head of a Rohirrim warrior). For this set with accessories we will pay 1099 dollars. The company also noted that the details of the product may still change without notice. However, if you are not deterred by this and the price, you can place pre-orders on Prime 1 Studio's website. You have a lot of time to collect funds - the figurine will not be sold until the turn of 2021 and 2022.
- Prime 1 Studio - official homepage
- Lord of the Rings movies - official website
- J.R.R. Tolkien - official online bookstore
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