List of Issues Plaguing Assassin's Creed Valhalla
The devs of AC: Valhalla presented a list of the most serious problems detected in their game. On Reddit there are also numerous complaints about glitches and technical problems.

- A list of errors detected in AC: Valhalla appeared on Ubisoft's website;
- Issues include quests and controls, some of which make it impossible to continue playing;
- Players also complain about numerous glitches and technical issues.
Ubisoft has published a list of confirmed bugs that have been pointed out by Assassin's Creed: Valhalla players. The list is quite extensive and includes things that make playing very difficult or even impossible. It is worth noting that the list is being constantly updated.
Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - error list
The most serious problems include such things as cut-scenes not starting or the inability to interact with some characters. One of the bugs makes it impossible to complete the "A Seer's Solace" quest if we started the game before downloading the first patch (the so-called Day One Title Update, marked with the number 1.0.2), so we encourage you to update the game before you launch it. Another error sometimes prevents us from continuing the "Tilting the Balance" quest.
There are also a few interface issues on the list, with the PC version appearing to be the most problematic (the issues inluce e.g. rotation of objects using the mouse and keyboard, problems with lighting a torch or blocked controls while playing as the raven).
Also, don't trust cloud-based saving too much - your data can disappear if you return to the title screen at least twice in one gaming session.
Big issues and bugs aren't everything - glitches spoil AC Valhalla
The errors listed above do not, by any means, exhaust AC Valhalla's list of problems. Players gathered on Reddit complain about various bugs spoiling their fun. For example, one of the bugs concerns The Prodigal Prince and makes it impossible to continue the main storline. There is also ton of very annoying glitches in the game.
There are also complaints about the optimization of Ubisoft's latest work and sound quality (everything indicates that the audio files have been compressed too much).
It is worth recalling that according to Kristian Smoszna, bugs and glitches are one of Assassin's Creed: Valhalla's biggest problems. Here is a short list of problems quoted in our review.
"Getting stuck in the rocks; getting stuck in windows; fading light in cutscenes; excessively bright light on the map of the region selection, which made it difficult to discern anything; freezes lasting a few seconds after selecting dialog options; game freezing when launching a script (requiring restart); unexpected errors and crashes; character not executing commands; NPCs unable to mount their horse, even though the mission required it; NPCs get lost and not following their objectives; enemies can't see us, even though the crealry should; sometimes they see us and just calmly wait to be executed, and so on," we read.
- Assassin's Creed Valhalla Review - The Assassin We All Wanted
- Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - game guide
- Assassin's Creed: Valhalla - official website