Life is Strange: True Colors Launches to Good Reviews
A few hours ago a new installment of the well-known adventure game series Life is Strange, titled True Colors, had launched. So far, the game by Deck Nine Games is evaluated positively by players, although not all over the world.

- The release of Life is Strange: True Colors has become a fact;
- The majority of the game's ratings on Steam are positive (currently 81%);
- The negative comments are largely from Chinese players who don't like one of the political threads.
Today marks the world premiere of an adventure game with a powerful emotional charge - Life is Strange: True Colors (although the game is available since yesterday). Reviews were known even before the official debut (they are mostly positive), and now it's time for the players to speak their mind. Did those who played the latest production by Deck Nine Games, did like Alex Chen and the story associated with the town of Haven Springs? It seems that for the most part yes. If you're interested in our opinion, here's the review by Giancarlo Saldana.
On Steam True Colors receives "very positive" ratings - 81% of player reviews are approving of Deck Nine Games' work. Most often they praise the plot and well-written characters:
WARNING! The quoted reviews may include some spoilers concerning the plot of LiS: True Colors
"I've completed the first two parts of the game, and so far I'm loving it. The only problems with me are how the promotional material spoiled Gabe's death and some graphical errors, which I'm sure will be fixed with time. Looking forward to see where the story goes!," wrotes user Cinnabread.
Players also note the visual aspects:
"This game is insanely detailed. So much to see, to read and to interact with. Graphics on cinematic settings are gorgeous, only had to lower the shadow quality a bit, now it runs butter smooth. Voice acting, facial animations and the mocap are really well done," reports user Lestravian.
Interestingly, at this point, the majority of negative reviews of True Colors comes from Chinese players, who don't like "mixing politics into games", which may refer to the politically uncomfortable topic of Tibet, which appeared in the script. It is possible that the game will face review bombing.
As for activity figures, at the hottest moment True Colors was played by 6.5 thousand people (via Steam DB). The result may not be overwhelming, but if we take into account the number of viewers on Twitch watching streams from the game, True Colors' succes on the day of release is undeniable - here the gameplays of the newest Life is Strange were watched by up to 71 thousand users.
True Colors is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, as well as in GeForce Now and Stadia services.
- Life is Strange series - official website
- Life is Strange: True Colors System Requirements and Reviews
- Life is Strange True Colors Review: A Rainbow of Emotions