Last of Us Part 2 Gets Release Date and Atmospheric Trailer
Sony Interactive Entertainment has finally shared the release date of The Last of Us Part 2, and we've also seen an atmospheric trailer, showing mutated opponents and Joel.
As announced last week, the star of the latest State of Play broadcast was The Last of Us: Part II. Sony Interactive Entertainment presented a new atmospheric trailer for the game, which you can see above, and also revealed that it will debut on PlayStation 4 on February 21, 2020.
On the video we can see, among other things, snowy locations, and for the first time we can see up close the mutated opponents. In addition, the devs allow us to take a look at the brutal battles with human opponents or finally get to know the information about what is Ellie objective. The whole thing is crowned with a scene showing Joel.

The fact that the Naughty Dog team is working on The Last of Us: Part II has been known since December 2016 and although it's been almost three years since the official announcement of the game, its content remained a mystery. However, almost a year later we saw its brutal trailer, while last year's E3 fair brought the first gameplay presentation, as well as a handful of details about the plot and changes in mechanics, the presence of multiplayer mode and the fact that Ellie is to be the only playable character; the next big batch of info came out today.