King's Bounty Delayed to August. Here's a New Trailer
King's Bounty 2 will be released a little later than expected, but the developers have given us a new trailer and a batch of fresh artwork and screenshots.

- The release of Kings's Bounty II was delayed to August 24, 2021;
- Due to the change in the promised release date, the developers have published a new trailer and other promotional materials.
1C Entertainment has released a new trailer for King's Bounty II, which admittedly shows a bit of new footage, but brings with it unpleasant news for the players - the game will be delayed. It will launch on August 24, 2021. Studio's CEO Nikolay Baryshnikov explains the decision as follows:
As a team, we had to make the difficult decision to move King’s Bounty II’s release to a later point in 2021 to ensure the team has adequate time to deliver a King's Bounty best possible experience.
This, in turn, is the position of Denis Maltzev, one of the producers:
We are currently at a stage where the game is complete and playable, but we need more time to finish playtesting, fixing, polishing, and postponing launch will give us the precious months to balancing phase, much needed for such important project for us (...)
Seeing the love and passion you, as our fans, put behind this project, we are grateful for all your support and ask you for a little more patience with us. We’re hoping that this won’t be a long delay and please make sure to keep an eye on our channels to receive all upcoming updates on the game as we get closer to the new release date.
To compensate, we received a set of promotional materials from the game including official artwork and screenshots. The most interesting of them are presened below. What's more, the creators confirmed that King's Bounty II will be available on PC, PS4, XONE and Switch.