Kena: Bridge of Spirits Not Coming This Year
The release of Ken: Bridge of Spirits was delayed to the first quarter of 2021. The game was to be a launch title for PlayStation 5.

- Launch of Kena: Bridge of Spirits has been delayed. The game will hit the PS4, PS5 and PC in the first quarter of 2021.
- The reason for the delay is the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Working from home has significantly slowed down the development process.
- The developer promises that the extra time will be used to fine-tune the game.
Kena: Bridge of Spirtis will not appear this year. Ember Labs announced in a communiqué that due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the development process of the game has significantly slowed down and the developers, working from home, were unable to guarantee the completion of the game this year. The new release date is set for the first quarter of 2021. Kena: Bridge of Spirits will hit PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC.
We can read in the announcement that the decision was made with a heavy heart. However, the additional time that will be spent on developing the game will enable the devs to refine the title to meet the players' expectations. And these are high from the beginning. Kena: Bridge of Spirits was to be one of the launch titles for PlayStation 5.
But the move shouldn't surprise anyone. Ember Labs is an inexperienced devteam. Kena: Bridge of Spirits is its first title. The studio has previously produced animated films. The June preview showed a lot of potential, it also gathered a lot of positive reactions, so the expectations from the community is high. Let's hope that additional time devoted to the game will be well spent.