Insider Reveals Fallout New Vegas 2 Release Date
Work is reportedly already underway on Fallout: New Vegas 2. YouTuber Tyler McVicker, formerly of Valve News Network, has stated that he has information on this and other Bethesda projects. What's more, he shared their approximate release dates.

- YouTuber Tyler McVicker, formerly known as Valve News Network, claims to have information on a number of projects;
- One of them is Fallout: New Vegas 2, which is rumored to be coming out after 2025;
- In addition, McVicker shared, among other things, expected release dates for other Bethesda games.
Tyler McVicker - who previously went by the nickname Valve News Network - has become known as a reliable source of insider information on what's going on at Valve. In his latest video, however, he admitted that he would like to share some details about other studios and projects.
As he stated, he has a bunch of information about Fallout: New Vegas 2, which he plans to reveal in the near future. The news about this enigmatic and (yet?) officially unannounced project does not end there. In a tweet published shortly afterwards, McVicker wrote thathe expects the sequel of New Vegas not earlier than after 2025.
McVicker also mentioned a few other planned projects that will capture the imagination of gamers, as well as revealed the release dates for other games signed by Bethesda Softworks. Before we move on to discuss them, let's take a look at the aforementioned tweet and video footage.

Let's start from the fact that according to McVicker, Bethesda's project to be release first is Starfield. However, this still means that the game will see the light of day only "in a year or two". The Elder Scrolls VI, in his opinion, will debut in 2026-2027, while Fallout 5 will launch no earlier than in 2030. Since Fallout: New Vegas 2 is allegedly going to hit the market "in the meantime", work on this project could be handed over to another studio. It's hard to imagine it being a team other than the original developers, Obsidian Entertainment, especially since the acquisition of Bethesda by Microsoft has brought the two companies under the same roof; the opportunity for them to work together again is better than ever.
As for other projects McVicker claims to have information on, there's Avowed, the aforementioned Starfield, Deathloop, Fallout 76's roadmap, and the recently announced Back 4 Blood. He also claims that Nintendo is preparing "something" for the upcoming birthdays of the Super Mario series and The Legend of Zelda; we should also soon hear something about the Nintendo Switch Pro, which the YouTuber refers to as the Nintendo Super Switch.
Of course, McVicker's revelations have not yet been confirmed in any way, so we should take them with a grain of salt and arm ourselves with patience while waiting for official details.