How to Tame Andrewsarchus in ARK
Andrewsarchus is one of the new creatures in ARK: Fjordur. This guide will tell you how to tame it.

Andrewsarchus is one of the creatures that were introduced in ARK with the release of the free DLC Fjordur. The animal immediately sparked the interest of many players. Already in the trailer of the DLC we could see that it is possible to tame it.
And that's not all. Andrewsarchus can be turned into an armored beast, which can carry a powerful cannon on its back. Below you will find information on how to do this.
Where to find the Andrewsarchus
To tame the Andrewsarchus, you must first find it, and this is not necessarily an easy task. The Andrewsarchus is not found in all of the available areas.
The creature can only be found on Vardiland. It is a large island located in the lower left corner of the map. You will also recognize it by a distinctive blue obelisk, which is visible from a distance.
Andrewsarchus can be found in different parts of the island, but there is always a large herd of them in one place. The coordinates of the location are 60,0 and 25,2. You can use them if you have a GPS.
How to tame an Andrewsarchus
In order to tame an Andrewsarchus you need one basic element: honey. This is what will lure the creature to your chosen location.
However, it's also worth investing in a suitable outfit that will improve your stealth skills. A good example of this type of clothing is the Ghillie Armor. It reduces the vision range of enemy creatures by 50%.
With this preparation, you can safely proceed to the taming of Andrewsarchus. For the beginning, it will be enough that you put near it previously collected honey. The creature should be interested in it and start eating.
At this point approach the Andrewsarchus from the side and simply get on it by clicking the appropriate button (it will appear on the screen). This will start the process of "breaking" the beast.
In essence, it is based on a fairly simple QTE sequence. You will have to press the keys displayed on the screen at the right time. As long as they glow green, you should hold them down. When they turn red, you have to let them go.
However, please note that you may be interrupted by other animals or obstacles. Before starting the process, it is therefore a good idea to get rid of other creatures in the area and choose an area that is free of a large number of trees or rocks.
Once the QTE has been successfully completed, you can enjoy your own Andrewsarchus, which will act as a mobile turret with a lot of firepower.
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