How to Recruit Prisoners in Wartales
In this guide we will tell you how to recruit prisoners in Wartales. It is not an easy task.

Wartales is an appreciated tactical RPG that recently left early access. The game has been significantly enhanced compared to what it presented in the first days after public debut. One of the more interesting mechanics is the recruitment of prisoners. In this guide we will tell you how to do it.
How to capture prisoners
Of course, before you can recruit prisoners, you must first capture some. To do this, first get into any of the prisons. One is very close to the game's starting location. It is here that you can buy chains and ropes. You will need the former for catching people, the latter for animals.
Having already acquired the right items, start some kind of battle. During it weaken your opponent so that he has less than 50% energy. Then occupy him with fighting. While he is preoccupied with one of your men, let another come up and try to stun the enemy with the special skill called Knockout. If you succeed, then the enemy will fall to the ground and will be excluded from further combat, and after that they will fall into your hands.
You must keep in mind that Knockout is treated as a basic attack. Thus, performing this action will be impossible if your fighter has already attacked in the turn.
How to recruit prisoners in Wartales
Recruiting prisoners is much more difficult than capturing them. The key here is to make them like you. To do this, you need to keep a few things in mind:
- Keep them in good conditions - there are devices in the game that enable you to reduce the chance of captives escaping, but they also reduce their satisfaction, and this is undesirable.
- Feed them well - food will improve their attitude towards you.
- Heal the captive - it is obvious that he has been wounded in battle. If you want him to join you, take care of his health.
- Use items - certain items and traits can be used to boost the captive's trust and speed up his recruitment. A good example of this would be a Barber Kit or Toothpaste. Just use them in camp mode (right mouse button).
- Be patient - recruitment can take a really long time. Even a dozen or sometimes dozens of rests.
Wartalales – Interactive Map and Guide
We have written a guide. You can find there useful information about various mechanics. However, what is more, we have prepared a map. You can check it here.