How to Make ESG Response in Demonologist
At Demonologist, you can investigate ghost activity with ESG. Here you will learn how to make this equipment work.

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Demonologist is a game that will appeal to fans of Phasmophobia. The game enables up to four players to conduct investigations in buildings haunted by supernatural beings. During the adventure you can use a number of items - including ESG. Below you will learn how to make this tool work.
Demonologist - how to make ESG work?
ESG is a tool that enables you to investigate the activity of a ghost. Placing it in the right place will enable you to see the ghost in its full glory. Of course, not every type of phantom will be able to manifest with this device, so you will not always see something.
The tool has a relatively small range of activity. Therefore, you must carefully choose the place where you place the ESG. The best way to capture the spirit is to put the device right next to places where there is some kind of paranormal interaction (such as movement of objects).
Unfortunately, the ESG is a tool that can cause problems. You never know when a ghost will manifest on the device. So you may be forced to wait for up to several tens of minutes for an interaction. As if that weren't enough, ghosts don't like to show up very often. So if you miss a manifestation, the wait for a reappearance can take a very long time.
Demonologist - what ghosts can be detected on ESG?
ESG is one of the evidences that will enable you to identify the spirit that haunts a place. Therefore, it can be useful for completing the investigation.
The list of ghosts that can appear on the ESG is as follows:
- Boogey
- Deogen
- Goryo
- Guipo
- Iblis
- Jinn
- Naamah
- Poltergeist
- Raiju
- Yurei
If you want to get acquainted with all the tools you can use during investigations, we recommend the following text:
In case you are interested in the Tarot cards you will find while exploring haunted buildings, then the following post is worth reading: