How to Get Pet in Undawn

The latest update to Undawn allows you to adopt cats and dogs and befriend them. Find out how to add pets to your Homestead and how to care for them.


Source: Undawn, developer: Lightspeed Studios

Undawn is constantly being improved, and developers add interesting additions to it. Pets are a new feature in the title. Aside from being relaxing companions you can interact with, cats and dogs also affect gameplay. Below, we will explain how to obtain your first pet and what to do to get more.

How to get a Pet in Undawn

Once you reach level 35, you will unlock the mission Pet. The first step towards getting a fluffy companion is going to Raven’s Shelter, near the pier There, you will find the NPC Phoebe. Approach her to clear the “Regroup With Phoebe at the Pet Center” objective.

How to Get Pet in Undawn - picture #1

After a short animation plays, you will get a new goal to “Pet Tiger, the rescue dog”. Tiger is a brown dog wearing an orange vest. It can be found near Phoebe. Afterwards, talk to the NPC again.

How to Get Pet in Undawn - picture #2

Phoebe will ask you to pick your starting pet. The choice doesn’t have much effect as you can easily get the other kind of animal later.

A short tutorial will begin. Once you learn how to interact with a pet, you will have to choose the color of its fur. This is also a purely aesthetic choice, since all starter animals are the same rarity. Don’t choose based on the name of the pet, as you can change it after.

Congratulations – you’ve received your first pet! If you picked a cat, you can repeat the same steps right away to get a dog as well, or vice-versa.

Caring for Pets in Undawn

Once you return to your Homestead, you can place one free Pet Home from the Interact Mode. It is found in the Interior tab. You need one for every animal you want to interact with at your base. The other pets will be stored in Petcare Boxes. Once your cat or dog is let out into the yard, you can play with or feed it.

To get more Pets, you will need to do two things. First, buy necessities at the new section of the Market, represented by a paw icon at the bottom of the list.

How to Get Pet in Undawn - picture #3

Some of the wares require a new type of currency. It is called “Pet Trust Points” and can be obtained for building friendship with your new companions. The points are also necessary for getting higher rarity pets.

Pet Functions in Undawn

We have bad news for cat lovers – unfortunately, you can’t take your cat out of your Homestead to go out together. You can do so with a dog, however. Dogs also have their own Backpack, which means that travelling with one gives you more inventory space. You can access it and call your dog from the menu in the bottom left of the screen, represented by an icon of a dog head.

It means that dogs are more practical pets than cats in Undawn, but players should pick the animal that most appeals to them (or simply both).

Check out our other guides for Undawn:

  1. How to Complete Raging Bison in Undawn; Fix the Bug
  2. Undawn - How to Find Frost Queen Location (Legendary Animal)
  3. How to get Black Bass in Undawn; Cook Beer-Braised Bass


June 14, 2023

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