How to Get Magic Victory in Age of Wonders 4
In this guide you will learn what Magic Victory is in AoW4. You will also find some additional tips.

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Age of Wonders 4 is a very warmly received turn-based strategy game in which we can explore a world full of details, upgrade our army and, of course, fight battles with our opponents. In this guide you will learn, what Magic Victory is in AoW4.
Magic Victory in AoW4
In order to achieve Magic Victory, you need to fulfill several conditions.
- Select a spell tome and unlock the others having the same affinity. There are a total of 5 levels of tomes, and in order to achieve Magic Victory, you need to acquire levels 3, 4 and 5, respectively.
- This will unlock special province upgrades that must be built in various cities. These are respectively: Seed of Affinity, Root of Affinity and Heart of Affinity. They can be found in the build menu under Special Province Improvement.
- After building the last improvement in one of the cities, the Magic Victory Spell will be unlocked. Its casting will take 15 turns, during which enemies will appear around the cities and all other countries will become hostile. It is then necessary to defend the province improvements, otherwise the spell will be interrupted.
Additional advice
If you plan to achieve Magic Victory, it is advisable to build cities close to each other. This way it will be much easier to defend against enemy attacks. Teleports are also useful, with the help of which you can move troops faster if necessary.
More about AoW4 can be found below.
- City Ruins in Age of Wonders 4 - How to Get Rid of Them and More
- Age of Wonders 4 - How to Annex Province and Ancient Wonder
- Map Size in Age of Wonders 4; How to Make it Bigger