How to Get Blood Merlot in V Rising
In this guide we will tell you how to get Blood Merlot in V Rising. It is a very useful item if you want to have prisoners.

V Rising has gathered many fans who appreciate its captivating gameplay. This title allows players to construct their very own vampire sanctuary. As the game is still in its early access stage, it undergoes constant development and receives various patches. Notably, a major content update called Secrets of Gloomrot has recently been introduced, adding a variety of new bosses, resources and items, including Blood Merlot. In this guide, we will provide you with instructions on how to get this valuable potion.
Blood Merlot in V Rising
Blood Merlot is an item, which can be given to abducted people. Just interact with the cell and craft it. It allows you to tap a prisoner on blood at the cost of 25% - 50% health. It increases misery by 3% - 15%. You can think of it as a better Blood Potion.
How to craft and unlock Blood Merlot

- First of all you have to acquire a blueprint. You can do that by defeating Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier. This boss is in Brighthaven Vineyard in Silverlight Hills.
- You have to gather 60 Sacred Grapes. You can find them in the same locations as the boss. Just interact with giant barrels and destroy vines. Watch out though, as harpies also like grapes and will attack you.
- 1 glass bottle – you can craft it on the alchemy table in exchange for glass.
V Rising Guide
You should also read our guide. You can learn there some important information about the game and get some tips. Especially useful for new players.
We have also prepared V Rising Gloomrot Guide, which concentrates on the last update. You can find here new materials, bosses and more.
If you want to know more about V Rising, read also:
- V Rising - How to Build 6 Floors in a Castle; Multiple Floors on Private Servers Explained
- How to Build Ancestral Forge in V Rising
- How to Get Hallow Wood in V Rising
More:V Rising Guide