How Many Fps in The Last of Us 2 on PS4 Pro? Digital Foundry Analysis

On the Digital Foundry channel on YouTube there was a technological analysis of a gameplay fragment from The Last of Us: Part II. Among other things, we learned about the likely resolution and fps in the new production of Naughty Dog.

Technological analysis of The Last of Us: Part II gameplay.

The editors of Digital Foundry have prepared a technological analysis of the recently presented gameplay fragment of The Last of Us: Part II. According to experts, we have seen a version dedicated to the more powerful version of the Sony console - PlayStation 4 Pro. On the presented material the game works in 1440p and 30 frames of animation per second.

Typical of Naughty Dog's game, The Last of Us: Part II boasts an incredible attention to detail. The editors drew attention to the ice breaking under the horse's hooves in one of the first scenes, realistic, very natural-looking lighting (including a credibly reproduced flashlight), great models of creatures or animations of.... the main character's backpack.

Everything seems to indicate that The Last of Us: Part II will be one of the most beautiful titles on PlayStation 4. Of course, it's only a short fragment analysis, so we have to wait until the launch with the final evaluation - this will take place on February 21, next year. It is worth noting that the game will be available only on PS4.

  1. The Last of Us: Part II - official website
  2. PlayStation - official website

The Last of Us: Part II

June 19, 2020

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