How Corrupted Item in PoE 2 works
If you are wondering what corrupted items in Path of Exile 2 are and how they work, here you will find all the necessary information. PoE 2 can be confusing sometimes.

Early Access is a place for unfinished games, which need a final push, to be polished and released. Recently, as a part of this program, we received Path of Exile 2. This production has many confusing elements, like passive skill tree, which size is simply mindboggling. It shouldn’t be surprising that in such a title, even veteran hack’n’slash fans are getting lost from time to time. Yet, this is only where the fun of nearly limitless combinations begins. Should you get started, don’t forget to check out our guide. Read it, if you would like to learn more advanced mechanics, like for example how corrupted items work.
Corrupted items in PoE 2 explained
Part of the exploration in PoE 2 is metagame, which makes you go outside the game window and look for answers elsewhere. While for some fans spending time in Excel spreadsheet is their cup of tea, others do not like this kind of minmaxing and would rather get straight to the action. So, to not make this overly verbose, let’s quickly explore how corrupted items work.
In short, we can describe corruption of items as a reroll of their bonus perks. To corrupt an object, you have to find a corruption altar, which are located in some dungeons, or use a Vaal Orb. Once the item is corrupted, it can no longer be modified in any way. Using Exalted or Chaos Orbs will have no effect, resulting in information that the item is corrupted.
Be careful with corrupting your gear, as the effects of such alterations aren’t always positive. It can happen that after you’ve corrupted an object, it will be of no further use for you, as its stats might have been irreversibly changed for the worse. Always think carefully before attempting item corruption, as it is a gamble.
As Path of Exile 2 is still in EA, there might be a way to modify corrupted items down the way, yet as of now such methods are unknown. Due to that, use this feature wisely, only when you feel lucky or if you don’t mind wasting a piece of gear you’re about to adjust. Good luck!
More:PoE 2 Guide