Horizon Zero Dawn PC - 1/3 of Buyers Own the Game on PS4
Despite the technical issues, the PC version of Horizon: Zero Dawn sells very well. Interestingly, every third buyer of the game on PC bought it earlier on PS4.
Last Friday, the PC port of Horizon: Zero Dawn, a Guerrilla Games studio game that was previously one of the most important PlayStation 4 exclusives, was released on the PC. Enough time has passed since the release for us to analyze how the game has fared on the new platform. The first data suggests that the decision to port the game to the PCs was a good call.
The creators have not yet revealed the official sales results, but according to the estimates of the paid version of SteamSpy, the game has already been bought by 370 thousand people on Steam. This result is impressive, especially considering that the title is also sold in Epic Games Store.
Even more interesting information is provided by PlayTracker, an independent website that collects data from individual platforms through APIs and its own scripts. According to it, 35% of the people who bought Horizon: Zero Dawn on Steam owned the PS4 version before. In total, 7% of the owners of the console original are believed to have bought the port on Steam.
At the time of launching the pre-orders Horizon: Zero Dawn took the top on the Steam bestseller list and maintained it for several hours after the launch. At the time of writing this news, the game is number two, giving way only to Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, which has become one of the greatest phenomena of the year. Losing to this unexpected hit doesn't seem to bring Guerrilla Games any shame.
The launch of Horizon: Zero Dawn was not without problems. The title debuted in a surprisingly poor condition. Even now, the game is troubled by many problems, and optimization leaves a lot to be desired.
The mediocre quality of the port has affected user ratings. On Steam, only 62% of player reviews are positive. The developers are aware of these deficiencies and promise improvements, so it remains to be hoped that all the problems of the game will soon become a thing of the past.
More:Horizon Zero Dawn Remaster for PS5 and Online Spin-off Possible (Rumor)