GTA 6 a Visual Breakthrough? Rockstar to Invest in New Technology
New reports on the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI. The latest rumors indicate that the game from Rockstar Games uses a brand new technology that could revolutionize one of the visual areas in video games.

Premiere of the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI is still very distant - the game by Rockstar Games has no scheduled release date or even an official trailer. However, this does not prevent fans of the series from following reports about the title.
The latest rumor about Rockstar's highly anticipated "baby" suggests that the game will take advantage of a revolutionary graphics technology that will take the look and physics of water to a whole new level.
The source of these revelations is a Twitter post by user Aleix Venturas, who introduces himself on the platform as a freelance journalist. It is worth mentioning that his account is verified and has a blue badge, which means that Twitter considers it "active, noteworthy and authentic."
According to Venturas, Rockstar San Diego created a team of about twenty developers for GTA VI (via Dexerto), who focused exclusively on developing the appearance and behavior of the game's water.
Insider mentions in a Twitter thread that Rockstar San Diego developers are using a brand new technology - not used in the game industry until now - that will also enable implementation of water sports to GTA VI, such as surfing.
What's more, Venturas relays, the water environment itself is expected to play an important role in the upcoming Grand Theft Auto. It is possible that the game's storyline will be linked to it to a large extent.
It is difficult to verify at this point to what extent the reports are reliable, so we recommend approaching them with more than a grain of salt - especially since Aleix Venturas is not (yet) a very well-known "leaker" in the gaming world.