Ghost of Tsushima Devs Thank Players for Their Support

Andrew Goldfarb from Sucker Punch, speaking on behalf of the whole team, took the floor on Reddit to thank to the players for the successful launch and warm welcome of Ghost of Tsushima. The title is only available exclusively on PlayStation 4 from July 17.

Milosz Szubert

Thanks to the players

Last Friday's was marked by the release of Ghost of Tsushima - the last big PlayStation 4 exclusive. The title was very warmly received by both the industry media and players. The team from Sucker Punch is not likely to complain about such a turn of events. Andrew Goldfarb, head of communications in the American studio, expressed the team's satisfaction. He posted a message on Reddit to thank the players for the successful launch.

The release of Ghost of Tsushima can be counted as successful.

Here's what we can read in the Goldfarb announcement:

"I just wanted to pop in and thank you all for the support and for an incredible launch weekend! We're absolutely loving the fantastic screenshots, clips, and discussions here - they truly mean the world to us.

The people on this subreddit were some of the very earliest supporters of the game, and we can't thank you enough for all of the excitement, theories and laughs over the past few years - you all really helped motivate the team during development! :)

We hope Ghost has lived up to your expectations and that you've had a great first weekend! We're so excited to see the game out in the world and the unbelievable reactions, combat clips, photo mode screenshots, and fan art people have already shared."

Moreover, Goldfarb revealed that he hopes to be a more frequent guest of Reddit, where he will publish new information related to the title. Soon we can expect, for example, news about upcoming updates.

Tourism cooperation

From other curiosities about Ghost of Tsushima - Sucker Punch has established a tourist cooperation with the Nagasaki Prefecture, which manages the real island of Tsushima, where the action of the game takes place. Although the creators of the title have recently admitted that they haven't recreated one hundred percent of the actual island, its degital version features some characteristic buildings or landmarks. On this page we can see photos of their real-life counterparts with a short description and an invitation to visit them. In addition, there is information about the Mongol invasion of Japan.

This is a contemporary view of Komoda Beach - the place where the Mongolian invasion of Tsushima began. / Source:

Surely this kind of cooperation can help Japanese tourism, especially now that it is going through quite a hard time because of the coronavirus pandemic . There shouldn't be no shortage of players who, after traversing the Mongolian-controlled virtual Tsushima, would want to feel the atmosphere of the island on their own skin.

  1. Ghost of Tsushima - official website
  2. Ghost of Tsushima Review - The Last Wind of PlayStation 4

Ghost of Tsushima

July 17, 2020

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Milosz Szubert

Author: Milosz Szubert

A film expert by education. Has been working at since January 2017. A fan of tennis, basketball, comics, good books, history, and strategic games by Paradox. Recently a self-taught Game Master (apparently he's quite good at it). For several years, he edited films on the Notatnik Kinomana channel on YouTube.

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