Ghost of Tsushima Artbook Reveals Details of Upcoming Expansion
Thanks to recently released The Art of Ghost of Tsushima artbook, we got to know a few new details about the co-op mode planned for Sucker Punch's game. The artbook reveals the appearance of locations or types of opponents, among other things.

- The Art of Ghost of Tsushima artbook features details about the upcoming co-op mode called Legends;
- The book shows, among other things, the locations and new types of enemies. We also have several screenshots of interface elements.
Recently released The Art of Ghost of Tsushima artbook reveals a number of details about Legends - the free co-op mode planned to be added to Sucker Punch's latest game this year. The images from this publication appeared in a video on TheSushiSquire channel.
In Legends - as revealed in the first trailer - we will visit a much more fantastic version of Tsushima, based more on Japanese mythology (its fragments can be discovered by performing some tasks in the story campaign). The locations are to look like they were pulled straight from dreams and use a different color palette. The final effect is to evoke associations with classical Japanese illustrations on woodcuts.

A character known as The Storyteller will also appear in the new mode. It will be a mysterious character with face covered by a constantly changing mask (its transformations are to correspond to the story told at a given moment). We'll also meet new types of enemies - for example strange masked warriors, Oni demons and other monsters known from Japanese mythology.
There is also a picture in the artbook showing elements of the interface - the menu screen and the lobby, where we can wait for other players.

- Ghost of Tsushima Review - The Last Wind of PlayStation 4
- Ghost of Tsushima - game guide
- Ghost of Tsushima - official website