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News video games 09 March 2021, 21:16

author: Karol Laska

Forza Horizon 4 Available on Steam

From today, March 9, 2021, we can play one of the best rated racing games of recent years, Forza Horizon 4, on Steam.

Today, the acclaimed 2018 racing game Forza Horizon 4 was released on Steam. This is the first time ever that a title from the said franchise can be launched outside of Xbox consoles or the Microsoft Store platform, so there's no denying that we're talking about an important moment for the developers at Playground Games, thanks to which their series will become even more popular.

  1. Forza Horizon 4 - game guide
  2. Forza - official website

Karol Laska

Karol Laska

His adventure with journalism began with a personal blog, the name of which is no longer worth quoting. Then he interpreted Iranian dramas and the Joker, writing for cinematography journal, which, sadly, no longer exists. His writing credentials include a degree in film studies, but his thesis was strictly devoted to video games. He has been writing for Gamepressure since March 2020, first writing a lot about movies, then in the newsroom, and eventually, he became a specialist in everything. He currently edits and writes articles and features. A long-time enthusiast of the most bizarre indie games and arthouse cinema. He idolizes surrealism and postmodernism. He appreciates the power of absurdity. Which is probably why he also tried soccer refereeing for 2 years (with so-so results). He tends to over-philosophize, so watch out.
