Far Cry 2 Mystery Solved Confirming Fan Theory
The designer of Far Cry 2 has confirmed a fan theory regarding the identity of the game's main antagonist.

In an interview for IGN designer Clint Hocking revealed that The Jackal, the villain from Far Cry 2is actually the protagonist of the first game - Jack Carver. In doing so, the developer confirmed a popular fan theory that has been discussed by fans of the series for years.
Carver was the main protagonist in the original Far Cry, as well as the console spin-off Far Cry Instincts. In those games, Jack is a minor smuggler and ends up on a tropical island where experiments are being conducted. As Hocking explains, what Carver endured there, including encounters with mutants, changed him forever. He became more ruthless and ambitious and began to make money on armed conflicts.
Fans suspected that Carver and Jackal are the same person for several reasons. First, both are described as smugglers specializing in arms dealing who previously served in the United States Navy. Second, at the end of Far Cry Instincts Jack receives a crate with something valuable in it, and players speculated that there were diamonds inside, which played an important role in the plot of Far Cry 2.
Third, Jackal's texture files in FC2 have names such as "jackcarver_hair_d_mip0.dds" and "jackcarver_shoes_d.dds", so it was clear that Carver was going to be the villain, at least at some stage of development.
Recall that the latest installment of the series, Far Cry 6, will debut the day after tomorrow, on October 7. The game will be available on Windows PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5. The game will receive an expansion that will enable us to play as antagonists from previous installments, but there will be no Jackal among them.