Fan Summarizes Info on Cut Content From Dying Light 2; He Got 228 Pages
One dataminer shared a document in which he posted all the available information about cut content from Dying Light 2. Mind you, there's a lot of it.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is once again in the news. Barely the day before yesterday we informed about the new microtransaction system, which made the players angry, and a dozen hours ago a 200-page summary of content that did not make it into the game has appeared on the web.
The author of this extensive document is one Sneed, a dataminer and one of the active members of the Dying Light 2 community on Reddit.
Cut content
Sneed's work revealed a ton of interesting and quite detailed content that was planned to be included in Techland's latest title.
The dataminer dug up, among other things, entire lines of dialogue, and some of the content was accompanied by illustrations of 3D model prototypes or concept images.
Due to the huge size of the publication, let me list only the most interesting finds that the committed fan discovered about Dying Light 2. At various stages of development, the devs planned to introduce:
- numerous and varied factions: e.g. Vampires, Smokers, Nomads, Vikings, Divers;
- an elaborate multi-threaded epilogue, in which a "total war" of factions would take place; it was probably removed after the storyline remodeling, which was to take place around 2020;
- more tasks with choices, in which there were usually two or three paths to resolve an issue;
- additional dialogue lines, including chats with so-called "storytellers," where one could choose the character's statements;
- more diverse regions, including Elysium, a part of the city for the rich, which was presented briefly at the E3 2018 show;
- more animals, including horses and gazelles; in turn, our opponents were to be wild dogs and wolves;
- prison, police station, clothing factory or national bank buildings;
- activities in areas called Hives, where achieving the goals would reduce the number of infected, consequently opening access to new areas;
- minimissions with drones;
- shields, as well as firearms, which could be seen at the presnetation from E3 2019;
- a kind of rifle that uses arrows (for the bow) as ammunition;
- workbenches that enable you to create weapons from scrap metal.
Such a sizable amount of cut content indicates that Dying Light 2 was one of those titles that, before being released, went through a great many iterations. I'm curious to see if some of the removed stuff ever return some time in the future, such as in an expansion or update, or if Techland will leave this part of the story (and content) behind.
If you are interested in the details on this, I refer you to the document available here.