Fan remakes original Castlevania in Unreal 4
The original Castlevania was released by Konami in 1986. Now, the classic platformer has been remade in Unreal 4 by a fan. You can download the first level.
To this day the Castlevania series has reached worldwide fame and spawned a few dozen video games across multiple platforms. But it all started back in 1986, when the first Castlevania – a NES action-platformer was released by Konami. Now, that very Castlevania has been remade in Unreal Engine 4 by a fan known as dejawolf. Well, almost, because for now only the first level is playable, but the rest is in the works. If you’re interested in going back to see Dracula’s castle sporting brand new visuals, you can download the remake for free from this website.
The videos above represent early stages of both the first and the second game level. All the assets and mechanics seem to have been built from the ground up – let alone the HUD and sounds, which apparently are taken directly from the original Castlevania. The creator has been toiling at this project for a year, but maybe he’ll get some help now that solid results of his work have made their way to the internet. We can only hope Konami won’t send him a cease & desist letter.
More:Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 and Castlevania Returning to PC