Facebook Will Not Warn Users Affected by Data Leak
Facebook has no plans to warn users whose data got leaked online. The website believes it has done everything it can to take care of security.
A major data leak on took place on Facebook recently, due to which information on more than 530 million users were made available online. We did not have to wait long for the company's response, which shows that Mark Zuckerberg's websitedoes not intend to notify users who were affected by the data leak.
How does Facebook explain itself? According to the company, the acquisition of sensitive data occurred in 2019 as a result of a hacking attack. This was possible thanks to a vulnerability that was in the tool for synchronizing contacts. The website assures that the gap (which enabled the attack) was patched after the problem was identified, so the company does not feel responsible.
Facebook's spokesperson said there are no plans to warn victims affected by the hack, as the company is not sure which users need to be informed . The company has taken into account that users can no longer do anything with publicly available information.
The data collected by the website does not include health information, financial information and passwords. The database contains phone numbers, dates of birth and first or last names. And unfortunately in many cases it is not possible to change it. The company assures that it is in contact with regulators regarding any questions about this leak.