Everwild - New Franchise from Devs of Sea of Thieves and Banjo-Kazooie
Studio Rare, known from Perfect Dark series, Banjo-Kazooie and pirate game Sea of Thieves, announced its next title. The game is called Everwild and has a beautiful visuals.

During a special episode of Inside Xbox, which is being streamed live from London as part of X019, Rare (the devs of Banjo-Kazooie, the Perfect Dark series and last year's Sea of Thieves) announced that they were working on a new franchise. The game will be called Everwild. Unfortunately, virtually no details were provided on this subject. The first trailer was shown, which you will find below.
While Everwild is still early in development, we are very excited about the unique potentialof the game we are creating. The Everwild team is focused on building an experience thatallows for new ways to play in a natural and magical world. The development team, led byExecutive Producer Louise O’Connor, is creating something truly original and incrediblyspecial that aims to be more than just a new IP. Everwild will give you memorable, engagingand meaningful experiences for players everywhere to share. We cannot wait to share morewith you in the future," wrote Craig Duncan, head of Rare, in a press release.
The game does not have an approximate release date yet, but we can be almost sure that it will be coming to PC and Microsoft consoles .