MMO Devs Add and Abandon Lootboxes After Community Backlash
EverQuest 2 almost fell victim to the pay-to-win system. Player reaction stopped the developers and led to significant changes in the game's update process.

Nowadays, loot crates that can be bought in online games with real money surprise no one, but those offering advantages in gameplay still evoke rightful resistance among the players. In the case of EverQuest II fan appeals saved the game from moving to a pay-to-win model.
Controversial privileges for spenders
The second part of the popular MMO EverQuest was created almost 20 years ago, but it still has a devoted community. When the developers introduced a new type of lootboxes in late March, players quickly objected.
The crates, dubbed "Libant Evernight Heritage Crates," were to allow for the purchase of additional items for raids, which would remain locked for those not intending to pay.
This is a clear example of a mechanic that introduces an unfair advantage for those choosing to spend real money on gameplay. Frustrated by this fact, players decided to share their opinions on the game's official forum.
Their unanimous appeal gained enough publicity to reach the developers, who showed great understanding.
Promise of improvement
After massive requests from EverQuest 2 fans, Daybreak, the studio responsible for the title has decided to immediately remove the new lootboxes from the game.
"After listening to your feedback and having lots of discussions, we have decided to pull the Libant Evernight Heritage Crate from the in-game Marketplace store. The crate and most of its current contents will no longer be for sale.
We heard you and understand that there were particular elements of the Libant Heritage Crate that run counter to our shared values. We will no longer be making any of these types of items available."
In addition to admitting fault, the MMO's developers have made changes to the game's existing update system. After disappointing the fans, they recognized that in order to avoid this type of situation in the future, they must work closer with their own community.
In order to implement this, a separate section is to be created where players can share their opinions on the upcoming changes, even before they hit the game.
"I’d also like to announce that in the spirit of community feedback, we will be opening new Class Balance Forums for Everquest 2, look for these to arrive in the very near future.
We want you, the community, the people who play these classes to help us decide what balance changes and bug fixes to prioritize with major updates. These forums will improve our communication with you and allow you to help us scope what changes happen.
These forums will have a section for each class, and you will be able to propose changes, communicate with us, and vote on the fixes and balance changes you feel are necessary for your class. The goal here is to communicate with you the time and effort that these proposed changes will require, and openly discuss feasibility.
We will make changes open for discussion as long as they remain within reason."
The creators' plan is noble and, if it comes to fruition, will certainly rebuild the trust of fans after the box faux pas. It also proves that the gaming community is not as demanding as it might seem - it just needs to feel respected and listened to.
Do you think working together on updates will have a good effect on the game, or will the divergent opinions of the community prevent proper development? Would you like to see such development paths in other games?