Epic Games Store Will Offer Pre-load of Borderlands 3 After All
Contrary to previous announcements, owners of Borderlands 3 pre-orders on PC will be able to download the game before its release on Epic Games Store. The title will be made available to the fans 48 hours before the release.
In the middle of last month, fans of the upcoming Borderlands 3 learned that unlike console owners, on PC they will not be able to download the necessary game files before the release of the game. Epic Games Store, the only platform distributing PC version of the game, was to blame for the situation. Its representatives have announced that they do not have the necessary technical facilities to enable a data pre-load. Today it turned out that Epic had changed its mind. All pre-order owners will be able to start downloading Borderlands 3 48 hours before the digital release, which is scheduled for September 13 at midnight EST. According to recently published hardware requirements, the title client can have more than 70 GB.
The change in Epic Games Store's decision was certainly influenced by the loud discontent expressed by fans, pressure from developers, and the fact that Gearbox's work is this year's largest exclusive title in the vendor's catalog. All the problems and inconveniences associated with its launch on PC can exacerbate the already strong reluctance to Epic Games Store. Let us remind that in August the store started to offer pre-load option for selected titles, so many people thought that the feature automatically became a standard. At the moment we do not know if pre-load of Borderlands 3 will be another exception and we will have to wait for a wide range of options in the store (as well as for many other improvements offered by the competition).
Borderlands 3 will be coming to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 simultaneously on September 13.